Psoriasis is a chronic variant of skin pathology, characterized by the formation of red and silver papules on various parts of the body. It is more commonly formed in children's age, but can initially occur after 20-35 years of age.
- Metabolic disorders;
- Gastrointestinal pathology;
- Ecological disorder
- Chronic stress conditions;
- There are bad habits, such as alcoholism.

Since the skin is a huge organ, various rashes appear on it, including psoriasis-like rashes, which require diagnostic research and comprehensive treatment methods.
Diet therapy is an important factor in getting rid of unsightly formation. The right diet combined with medication is the main direction of modern methods of affecting diseases.
While maintaining proper nutrition for psoriasis, the most important thing that must be monitored is to drink plenty of water every day, ranging from seven to ten glasses. The liquid used must be of high purity. In the case of drinking juice, it is recommended to cook freshly squeezed.
The basis of proper nutrition
Every person's body is unique, so experts must strictly choose the appropriate diet individually in each situation-there is no single menu for all patients with psoriasis.
The main task of diet therapy in identifying pathology is to maintain a sufficient acid-base environment in the patient's body. The balance should lean towards an alkaline environment, because an acidic environment will only aggravate the pathological process. Experts recommend that you add 2-4 times alkaline food to your diet.
The basic principle:
- Eat small amounts-small portions, 4-5 times a day;
- Consume 2-2. 5 liters of liquid every day;
- Adjust your diet so that the intestines will not be overloaded;
- Timely emptying of the intestines is the basis of health, carefully monitor the timeliness of the release of toxins;
- When the pathology is aggravated, it is recommended to supplement the body's inorganic acids and organic elements: no more than 20%, and the rest are alkaline products;
- Reject alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to the maximum extent;
- Reduce the amount of salt in the diet;
- Minimize the use of preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, stabilizers and disintegrants;
- Try to avoid all citrus fruits in your diet-in addition to oranges, limes and grapefruits are also included in this subgroup;
- The focus should be on the use of grains, fermented dairy products, and vegetable oils—but they should also be used in small amounts.
Compliance with the above principles helps to minimize the number of exacerbations of psoriasis, thereby achieving long-term remission of the disease.
What should be discarded
During the consultation, experts will especially emphasize that psoriasis should not be eaten. Diet therapy provides the greatest rejection of a single product list, but it must provide a complete diet that provides all nutrients to the patient.
Suggested rejection:
- Numerous studies conducted by experts on people suffering from psoriasis outbreaks convincingly show that spices can exacerbate the disease. The maximum concentration of essential oils and aromatic elements is very harmful to people suffering from skin diseases-it can cause skin itching, burning and pathological deterioration.
- Various nuts have similar negative effects on the skin. The product most likely to cause allergies is peanuts. It is recommended to avoid the use of pure nuts and nuts in the form of various additives as much as possible. Peanut butter is completely removed from the diet.
- Various spicy, smoked, and canned foods have a special stimulating effect on the intestinal loop tissue. They can irritate the mucous membranes and prevent the full processing and absorption of nutrients. This is what causes new defects in the dermis-psoriasis plaques and scales.
- A large proportion of essential oils that are toxic to psoriasis patients are also found in citrus peels. It is for this reason that experts recommend refusal to include not only the fruit itself, but also the juice of the fruit in the diet, because it is squeezed out without removing the peel in industrial production methods.
- Inflammation on the dermis may also be caused by arachidonic acid saturated with meat. When compiling the menu, give priority to white varieties, such as turkey and rabbit.
- The most extreme restriction is for alcoholic beverages made from grapes. It is during their fermentation that the aromatic compounds that have the greatest negative impact on the state of the dermis are formed. The structure of the liver is also damaged, the filtering capacity of the organs is generally reduced, and toxins and toxins accumulate-psoriasis is aggravated.
A well-designed diet can also normalize a person’s weight; if a person adheres to the basic nutritional advice obtained from an expert during the consultation, the complications of psoriasis (such as arthritis) may last a long timekeep away.
Approved product
The opinions of dermatologists all over the world are unanimous-don't rush for success, strictly limit yourself in nutrition. Before adjusting the diet, experts will perform various diagnostic procedures to determine the most unfavorable food. On this basis, it will be decided what can be eaten for psoriasis for this particular person.
The following elements have a positive effect on skin conditions:
- A variety of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. The natural antagonists of arachidonic acid, they have the best effect on the dermis in marine fish;
- Various vegetables contain vitamins and caratinodes-they best affect the body's protective barrier, increase the activity of the immune structure, and help to the greatest extent possible to resist the negative external factors that may cause the deterioration of skin diseases;
For those suffering from a psoriasis outbreak, it is useful to do this:
- Add lecithin in granular form to the diet;
- Use medicated tea instead of coffee and coffee beverages;
- Eat more vegetables;
- Drink plenty of freshly squeezed juices;
- Give up artificial condiments as much as possible-use freshly grown herbs instead;
- It is useful to include fresh berries in the diet: gooseberries and viburnum, mountain ash and gooseberries, blueberries;
- A variety of grains will bring the greatest benefits-oats, buckwheat, millet;
- Marine fish appear on the table at least 4-5 times a week, but steaming is recommended;
- Poultry dishes are allowed to be used up to 3-4 times this week. Carefully remove all skin;
- Milk and milk-containing products are only allowed to use products that show reduced fat and salt content;
- Eggs should be cooked-3-4 times a week;
- Oil is acceptable-olives, cottonseed, corn.
Therefore, the psoriasis diet is based on the use of simple, diverse and highly fortified foods.
An indispensable condition for a comprehensive dietary treatment of psoriasis is the mandatory cleansing of the human body-curative fasting helps this. It is recommended that a person choose a day in his schedule, during which only distillate will enter his body.
On the second day, vegetable salads are allowed for breakfast, monastery tea is used-and the preparation of the daily diet is followed again.
The results of therapeutic fasting and careful adherence will be the greatest-after 20-35 days, a person will feel an improvement in overall health and the skin will clean faster.
Fasting should not be frequent-adhere to the golden mean: no more than 1 cleaning day per week. Various cleansing procedures performed in beauty salons are also forbidden-they will only disrupt the natural balance of intestinal circulation and develop psoriasis.
Beautiful skin that is clean and radiant is a achievable result, even if it is diagnosed with psoriasis. The most important thing is to adhere to the diet therapy separately prepared by experts, and combine medication as needed.